The 2022 Dancer Sendoff and Hair Auction raised $12,455 for the fight against pediatric cancer, breaking the record for money raised during this single event. This also brings the current campus total of dollars raised to $25,355 for the year.
A total of seven champions for the THON cause in the Penn State DuBois community are surrendering their own hair for the fight against pediatric cancer this year. All members of the community are invited to help support the efforts of THON by attending the Dancer Send-off Dinner and Hair Auction planned for 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 9.
The annual DuBois Educational Foundation Lion Wine and Cheese fundraiser to support Penn State DuBois student services, activities, events, and athletics is planned for 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, April 9, at Luigi's Villa, 800 West Weber Avenue in DuBois.
The Penn State DuBois Office of Student Engagement invites all members of the public to attend a performance by Brandon Martin focusing on social justice, as told through music.
Construction continues to move forward on the new Physical Fitness, Athletics, and Wellness (PAW) Center at Penn State DuBois, with work running on schedule and expected to be completed by Fall of 2022.